Two very special awards in memory of Olly Hare are presented in the space of a week every year at his school and his university. 

At Christs’ Hospital, Jacob Sargent (18) won the Oliver Hare Cup for the best musician of the school’s famous marching band.  It is presented every year at Speech Day by the Lord Mayor of London. Charlie Thomson, Chair, and Ann Feloy, CEO, caught up with Jacob after the ceremony in the grounds of the school near Horsham, West Sussex, to congratulate the exceptional trumpet player who also plays bass guitar.

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Next stop: Marital Health Initiative in Mumbai

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A visit to the Centre for Mental Health Law & Policy! 

We’d like to say a massive thank you to the team at the Centre for Mental Health Law

Charlie Thomson raised £3,250 for Olly’s Future by running in the Brighton Marathon

Charlie Thomson, our fantastic Chair, raised an amazing £3,250 for Olly’s Future by running in the Brighton Marathon