
Olly’s Future gets BMA Giving Funding for its work with FY1 Doctors

In the ever-challenging fields of medicine and healthcare, understanding mental health is crucial. This is...

Ann Feloy is interviewed for the Telegraph about her work

Ann Feloy shares the heart-wrenching story of her son Oliver, who tragically took his own...

Travel journals of Olly to feature in a tribute documentary

Article in the Independent A collection of travel journals belonging to Olly will be featured...

‘My son killed himself – here are 7 myths about suicide that stop vital conversations’

Talking about suicide can still feel like a taboo, particularly if you are worried that...

Talks at No 10 about Suicide Prevention by Bereaved Mother and ‘Points of Light’ winner.

Staff at Number 10 Downing Street heard first-hand about how a suicide prevention charity has...

Worthing mum invited to Downing Street to discuss suicide prevention with policy chiefs

A bereaved Worthing mum has been to Downing Street to discuss her charity’s work in...

Worthing mum wins Points of Light award from Prime Minister for her suicide prevention charity work

The Points of Light award humbled Ann Feloy, who dedicated it to her son Olly...

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s ‘Point of Light’ award for Ann Feloy

The work of Ann Feloy, founder and CEO of suicide prevention charity Olly’s Future, has...

Brighton medical students are given suicide prevention training

More than 200 students have been given suicide prevention training to help them look out...

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