Snowdon at Night Challenge – Few Spaces Remaining

Sign up by Friday, May 19th (£40 registration fee) to do the ‘Snowdon at Night’ Challenge on the night of July 7th. Book your place here

Olly’s Future vision is a world where no young person loses their life to suicide. We aim to achieve this through developing and delivering suicide prevention initiatives and training and running well-being events, particularly for young people.

The Change Foundation delivers targeted sports programmes to vulnerable and under-supported young people. Olly did work experience for TCF when he was 18 years old, so this is a personal connection too.

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Wellbeing Tips and Tricks NO.1

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18 Life Saving Conversations

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Follow our ‘Time Together’ Instagram 

‘Time Together’ is an annual non-denominational service that offers time and space for those who are affected by