Practise Hope launch

ann and olly

On July 4th, a ground breaking initiative called ‘Practise Hope’ launched to help more young people get better support from their doctors’ surgeries. The 18-month pilot is a collaboration between Olly’s Future, Mind and Health Education England.

Thirty GP practices across Kent, Sussex and Surrey will be involved. They will be supported by three local Mind branches and each receive money to help implement new ways of working to bring about a culture change in primary care to better support distressed 10 to 25 year-olds. It is hoped the pioneering programme will be rolled out nationally after the pilot.

Of course at the heart of ‘Practise Hope’ is Olly, particularly because the Patients Care Lead for ‘Practise Hope’ is Ann (Olly’s Mum).

The launch was picked up by national media, including the Daily Mail as well as in local news.

To find out more information about this project click here.

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