Open mic night success

This year we celebrated the third anniversary of our mental health open mic night at UCL. Our courageous speakers spoke on topics including depression, anxiety, domestic violence and eating disorders.


The event was incredibly moving, and it was a real privilege to have the opportunity to hear people speak from the heart and share their intimate stories. We left the evening feeling inspired, empowered and hopeful for the future.

Pictured is Harees, a UCL Master’s student, who bravely opened up our open mic night and spoke about how he found a support system and an outlet through jiu-jitsu. Listen to Harees’ podcast, The Social Yeti, on iTunes and Spotify to hear about his discussions on topics such as mental health.

This was one of the most inspiring events I have ever been to in my life. A week on I am still so elated to know young men in particular, like those who spoke, have the courage to talk openly about their mental health and thoughts of suicide. That takes courage but by doing so they are breaking down all the myths and taboos that have prevented change and healing. 

Ann Feloy, after the event

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