Mental Health Week 2019

It’s World Mental Health Day today. Hannah Taaffe, a great friend of Olly’s from UCL, is speaking to students at the University of Law in London about mental health issues, while Ann Feloy and Otis Kirby-Dunkley, who went to Christ Hospital with Oliver,  is speaking on their home patch in Worthing.

Worthing Mental Health Awareness Week – Our founder, Ann with the mayor of Worthing and Samaritan’s

Earlier in the week, Ann spoke at the first engagement meeting of around 50 pharmacists from across Sussex who play a key role in the community when talking to those who may feel suicidal.

Olly’s Future this week gave a cheque for £2,500 to Hamish Elvidge, Chair of the Support After Suicide Partnership, at its AGM at the CALM offices, Waterloo. We are very pleased to be working in partnership with this organisation to support those bereaved through suicide and to bring about national policy change.

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