Love & Light Party 2019

In March, Olly’s Future held the second annual Love and Light party. This year we celebrated the incredible life of our dear friend, son and brother Olly sailing along the Thames past some of London’s most famous sites.

On Saturday night, almost 150 of Olly’s extended family and friends came together for a wonderful evening of live music and dancing with an epic view. There was also a wonderful raffle with plenty of money can’t buy prizes that raised over £1,000 alone in donations.

Thank you all those who came and made it such a wonderful night, remembering someone we clearly love so much. Oliver you live on forever in our hearts. Thanks to all those who were filmed for the documentary too.

Click here to see the full album from the night.

Be sure to save the date for next year’s party which is happening on Saturday 20st March 2020. More details to be revealed soon.

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