Introducing Yvette Santana to facilitate our Mental Health Open Mic Nights

Olly’s Future is delighted to have teamed up with the incredible Yvette Santana (@tinys_creations_) to facilitate our Mental Health Open Mic Nights on campuses across the UK for students to share their experience of mental health through spoken word, poetry, rap and song, through our Leadership Programme. 

Latest news

Next stop: Marital Health Initiative in Mumbai

The next stop on Rory’s journey in India was meeting with Priti Sridhar, CEO of the Mariwala Health

A visit to the Centre for Mental Health Law & Policy! 

We’d like to say a massive thank you to the team at the Centre for Mental Health Law

Charlie Thomson raised £3,250 for Olly’s Future by running in the Brighton Marathon

Charlie Thomson, our fantastic Chair, raised an amazing £3,250 for Olly’s Future by running in the Brighton Marathon