To all our friends and supporters. Wishing you all a very happy New Year.
Pictured below are some of our highlights from 2021 – all inspired by, and in memory of our wonderful Oliver (Olly to so many of his friends).
We are proud to have delivered our 90-minute online suicide prevention training to 2,000 participants from all walks of life. Co-developer Rose Allett and I adapted our face-to-face training during the first Covid lockdown. Our team of 12 – trainers, emotional support, and IT experts – have now equipped people from all around the world, via Zoom, with vital skills to help save a life. If you would like to attend a free session, go to
Or if you would like to be funded to attend another suicide prevention course, such as ASIST, please email [email protected]. Donations to our charity have enabled us to offer these free places to learn life-saving skills.
Thanks to funding from the Brititsh Medical Association, we are teaching the doctors of tomorrow how to better care for patients and themselves. Our Dr SAMS (Suicide Awareness in Medical Students) initiative is now part of the curriculum for first year students and Brighton and Sussex, Exeter and Kent and Medway medical schools. More med schools are following their lead.
This year we have also worked with Coventry and Warkwickshire, South West London and Sefton NHS Trusts and the Zero Suicide Alliance to roll out our PRACTISE HOPE primary care initiative to bring about a culture change in how GP practices support and help 10 – 25 year old with thoughts of suicide or self-harm. For more information go to
Magnus is now a very energetic and happy one year old. Oliver’s brother Sam and his Peruvian girlfriend Diana are enjoying family life very much. Myself and Chris are delighted to be first time grandparents. We know Oliver would have made a wonderful uncle and would have loved speaking Spanish to Diana and Magnus, who will grow up bilingual.
Wishing you a year of peace and fulfilment, as well as the happiness that comes with loving others and knowing you are loved, no matter how great the distance between you. Ann Feloy.
In the ever-challenging fields of medicine and healthcare, understanding mental health is crucial. This is the cornerstone of
Let’s talk openly about mental health. Whether it’s managing stress, opening up to others, or knowing when to
Another successful day delivering our Dr SAMS (Suicide Awareness in Medical Students) at Bangor University! We are thrilled