Daffodils – A poem for Oliver (Olly) Hare, written by Ann Feloy and performed in a spoken verse by family and friends.

Four years ago, on 14th February, 2017, Oliver (Olly) Hare took his own life at his family home in Worthing, West Sussex, aged 22. 


To mark the anniversary of his passing, Olly’s mother, Ann Feloy, wrote a poem, encouraging people to place daffodils in the windows of their home in his memory and for others to remember their loved ones at such a heartfelt time. 

“Valentine’s Day is the worst day of the year for me, my husband Chris and our other son Samuel,” says Ann Feloy. “It is a very hard day for so many people. 

“I wanted to do something in my son’s memory – so I wrote the poem and chose the daffodil for a symbol. It signifies rebirth and new beginnings, as well as the coming of spring. It is one of the first perennials to bloom after the winter frost. 

“It also stands for the love and light Oliver brought into the world, and which we are keeping alive through the work of our suicide prevention charity – Olly’s Future.” 

More than 700 people who came to Olly’s funeral were given daffodil bulbs to plant. 

Moved by the poem, close friends and family of Olly have come together to create a beautiful spoken verse of the poem.

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