Award Winners announced

We’re SO excited to announce the winners of this year’s Oliver Hare Altruism Award at UCL and the Oliver Hare Cup at Christ’s Hospital!

The Altruism Award was established in Olly’s memory for the very first time last year. The Award recognises UCL students who have demonstrated great commitment in supporting others. We know that a lot of UCL students do amazing selfless work on top of their academic studies that largely goes under the radar, so we established the Award to recognise and celebrate all their hard work.

Anita Sangha

We’re delighted to announce that Anita Sangha, a second year Politics, Sociology and East European Studies student, is the winner of this year’s Altruism Award!

Her nominee said:”While working at UCL for over 10 years in a student-facing role, I have had the pleasure of knowing many wonderful students. However, none have been so deserving of the Oliver Hare Altruism award as Anita.”

As well as having considerable caring responsibilities in her personal life, Anita has raised over £2,300 for The Brain Tumour Charity. She also founded a Cancer Research society at UCL, has campaigned on a range of issues she is passionate about and is heavily involved in the Students’ Union’s Zero Tolerance for Sexual Harassment campaign.

What stood out most for us when deciding on a winner was that as Anita noticed a change in her own wellbeing, she had the courage to take a step back and take time out for herself. Anita has clearly given so much time and energy into supporting others, but more than that, she stepped down when she needed to support herself.

Her nominee said: “Anita knows you cannot pour from an empty cup and she is concentrating on refilling hers. For this reason, she is an excellent role model.”

William Awdry collecting his award from the Lord Mayor of London

Huge congratulations to William Awdry, the winner of this year’s Oliver Hare Cup for the Best Musician of the Christ’s Hospital Marching Band! The Cup is presented annually by the Lord Mayor of London, who this year is Peter Estlin.

Olly was the Drum Major of the famous Christ’s Hospital marching band and led parades such as the Lord Mayor’s Show, Lord’s cricket ground and of course Beating Retreat on the last day of the school year.

Congratulations Anita and William, both very deserving winners!

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