76% Target Reached!

We are so close now to creating something wonderful! With just over a week remaining we would love any further donations to reach our target of £5,250 to make the ‘Olly’s Light Travels’ documentary about Olly and his legacy. Let’s keep up the momentum! 🌟 https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/…/ollys-light-travels… #crowdfunder #suicideprevention

Latest news

Next stop: Marital Health Initiative in Mumbai

The next stop on Rory’s journey in India was meeting with Priti Sridhar, CEO of the Mariwala Health

A visit to the Centre for Mental Health Law & Policy! 

We’d like to say a massive thank you to the team at the Centre for Mental Health Law

Charlie Thomson raised £3,250 for Olly’s Future by running in the Brighton Marathon

Charlie Thomson, our fantastic Chair, raised an amazing £3,250 for Olly’s Future by running in the Brighton Marathon